Our Contributors
Meet your teachers! These experts have all been in the same place as you are right now and are eager to share their knowledge.
Marci Martin President, Write Like That, Inc. Creating a Content Marketing Strategy
Gus Ba VP Digital Experience & Product Design, Eastern Bank. Entrepreneur. Setting Up Your Website
Shannon Ware Co-owner, The Collective Creating a Business Idea that Will Make You Money
Steve Feinman District Director for SCORE Creating a Business Idea that Will Make You Money
Chris Post CEO Founder, Post Modern Marketing Pitching Your Idea Best Practices
Jeff Caliguire CEO Cofounder, Convergence Point Pitching Your Idea Best Practices
Andrew Royce Bauer CEO, Royce Leather Collection Pitching Your Ideas Do's and Dont's
Eddie Simeon Founder, Hella Bitter LLC Pitching Your Idea Best Practices
Kreg Peeler CEO and Founder, SpinGo Brainstorming Your Company and Culture
Eric Black Founder, Lyla Tov Monsters Brainstorming Your Company and Culture
Chris Hawker Founder & President, Trident Design, LLC Brainstorming Your Company and Culture
Roberta Perry Scrubzbody Natural Skincare Brainstorming Your Company and Culture
Cyndi Grasman Founder, Bad Pickle Tees Brainstorming Your Company and Culture
Anita Campbell CEO, Small Business Trends Estimating Financial Projections
David Ciccarelli CEO, Voices.com Estimating Financial Projections
Rod Woodcock President and Founder, The Alternative Board Fraser Valley Estimating Financial Projections
Monica Magnetti Certified Professional Coach & Business Consultant and CEO, Luna Coaching Do's and Don’ts of Your Business Plan
Janet Attard Founder, BusinessKnowHow.com Do's and Don’ts of Your Business Plan
Martina Iring Small Business Marketing Consultant, MartinaIring.com Creating Your Marketing Strategy
Gore Bolton CEO and Piranha Tank Founder, Diversified Advantage Group, Inc. Creating Your Marketing Strategy
Dequiana Jackson CEO, Inspired Marketing, Inc. Do's and Don’ts of Your Business Plan
Justin Grammer Senior Sales & Leasing Agent, A&S Realty, Inc. Real Talk with a Realtor
Dustin Ray VP Business Development, IncFile.com Comparing Business Legal Structures
Susan Post Divisional Director East, SHRM-SCP, CAE 8 HR Must Haves for Your Business to Succeed
Kathleen Burns Benefits & Compensation Analyst Employee Benefits Tips for Your Startup to Succeed