Case Study: 360clean
Grasshopper as a Timecard System

Grasshopper as a Timecard System
360clean is a complete facility care company who specializes in janitorial, maintenance and landscape services. They innovated “cleaning for health” and use this specialized approach to cleaning in all office buildings to protect employees and clients from illness causing germs.
360clean’s mission is, “To satisfy our customers’ needs on a daily basis while providing the best combination of quality, price and delivery in workplace cleaning services, by continuously improving and developing our systems of operation.” As a growing business, quality control can be a challenge when teams are spread out across the country and go from client to client providing services.
The Problem
With a remote staff, it can be hard to manage and document the employees’ attendance without actually being present at the client’s office. There is no way to be at every client’s office, making sure employees are on time and doing the proper amount of work for each client. 360clean needed a better way to manage their employees’ time.
The Solution
360clean found Grasshopper to be, “a great resource for [their] service employees to clock in and out when they reached their client’s office to provide a service,&rqduo; says Barry Bodiford founder and CEO of 360clean.
360clean set up an “employee time center” extension that employees call in to from the client’s office phone and leave a voicemail when they are clocking in and then again when they are clocking out.
For this system to work, Bodiford emphasized the importance of employees clocking in from the phone at the client’s office. This way, you can be certain they are really there and spending the appropriate amount of time. The read your voicemail feature also ensures the voicemail are transcribed and converted into a WAV or MP3 audio file and sent to Bodiford via email as they happen.
The Results
- No time clocks are needed as this is your source for payroll hours.
- Voicemails are time stamped, provide caller-id and you can actually hear the voice of the employee, giving you peace of mind that employees are on time and where they are supposed to be.
- You can manage employee attendance remotely via your Blackberry or other mobile email device.
- You can be confident knowing your employees have arrived on time to your client’s facility.
- Quality control. A business owner can be assured the proper amount of time has been spent on each job.
- 360clean now encourages all their franchises to do this!
Learn more about 360clean.