
News & Buzz

Grasshopper is everywhere

Original Article

The Wall Street Journal features Grasshopper - Designed to Enourage Mingling

Grasshopper LLC, a virtual phone-system company, moved into a custom-renovated office in Needham, Mass., last month. The upgrade, which cost $200,000, features a family-style kitchen and eating area, telecommunications technologies and modern furniture. The design encourages mingling and collaboration.

Grasshopper leased a 16,000-square-foot office space in 2007. But by 2011, it had 35 employees and half the space was still unoccupied. The firm renovated and moved into the unused space, then found a tenant for its original office, cutting its $40,000-per-month rent in half.

Grasshopper is the Wall Street Journal's Workplace of the Week!