If you’re constantly on-the-go while trying to run a business, you come across unique challenges that just don’t occur in an office.
Construction, landscape, and service companies often have workers on the road, field calls from thousands of customers, and pay hefty price tags for offices. Dealing with that sounds like quite a challenge, doesn't it? That's why many of these companies turn to Grasshopper.
We talked to Jerry Limper and Meghan Whitmer, founders from two companies that specialize in different facets of the industry.
Jerry and Meghan filled us in about what they do and how they use Grasshopper.
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In many parts of the U.S., driveways, sidewalks, parking lots, and roads are covered with blacktop as opposed to concrete, but how does this asphalt get maintained? It turns out that regular maintenance is essential for preventing thousands of dollars in damage.
When Jerry Limper and Chris Trecker graduated college, they began working for a company that maintained blacktop. They realized that the industry lacked professionalism and sought to create a company that blended maintenance with awesome customer service and a professional attitude. Enter Superior Seal Coating!
Today, the 8-employee company has thousands of customers, providing services to residences, institutions, and businesses in the Philadelphia area. According to Jerry, the company continues to expand.
Superior Seal Coating got Grasshopper in February 2013 so that they could save money and time while continuing to provide great customer service. Grasshopper has allowed the company to expand their service area and take on 2 large projects. Awesome news!
Grasshopper helps us streamline customer calls for optimal customer service.
Jerry’s Favorite Features:
Call Screening and Announce (Jerry can take urgent calls and follow up later)
iPhone App (Jerry can keep tabs on his account when he’s on the move)
After 10 years of working a standard 9-5 job in medical communications, Meghan Whitmer founded LawnGirl so that she could provide lawn services to people with environmental concerns. She was tired of service providers that didn't consider her perspective, so she founded LawnGirl to provide weed control and fertilization services to others.
Today, Meghan serves clients in the North Jersey area who want beautiful lawns with a responsible approach. The company now has 5 employees and is looking for more. Meghan not only loves providing lawn care to her customers, but also loves being able to meet her daughter at the bus stop each day after school, a great perk of making her own hours.
Because Meghan spends a lot of time in the field and has to function as her own assistant, she turned to Grasshopper. She needed a solution that would help present her business professionally without breaking the bank.
Grasshopper gives me the professional presentation that my clients expect but is extremely user-friendly and doesn't require a physical office to use.
Meghan's Favorite Features:
Call Screening Loand Announce (If Meghan is busy working outside, she can decide to take calls or send them to voicemail)
Voicemail Transcription (Meghan can get through 10 messages at lightning speed)
What industry is your company in? Is it a good match for Grasshopper? Head over to our Tell Us Your Story page or leave a comment below so we can feature you on our blog!