Tired of horrible conference calls? So are we. That’s why we've partnered with Speek, a simple and smarter way to host virtual meetings.

With Speek for Business, Grasshopper customers can host unlimited conference calls with a visual interface that allows you to see who’s joined, see who’s talking, share files, record calls, add/remove/mute participants, share your screen, and more. In addition to working on the web and any phone without requiring a download, Speek also has mobile apps for iPhone, Android, Windows Phone 8, and Blackberry.

Speek has been named one of the Wall Street Journal's 'Top 20 Startups of the Year in 2013', Entrepreneur Magazine's '100 Most Brilliant Companies', and PCMag's 'Top 100 Websites'.

We're pumped to bring you this partnership. It will help you stay even more connected with customers, partners, and friends that ring your business line.

As a Grasshopper customer, you receive 20% off of Speek for Business ($15/mo per user), when you sign up here.


Select features include: