Today we've got our Employee Spotlight on Jennifer Joos, People Strategy Manager. Jenn focuses on… People! She helps hire passionate, dynamic team players and also works on projects and initiatives tied to our brand promise and company culture. She's been known to forget to turn off her Seinfeld ringtone in the office. Jenn is the best person to ask about creating a professional LinkedIn headshot and profile.
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Definitely a morning person although I do find it hard to roll out of bed when I know I’ve committed myself to an Insanity workout!
What’s your favorite TV show? I have one or two trash-tv reality shows I won’t admit to watching but Seinfeld is definitely an old favorite.
How about three things you could never live without? Other than some of the obvious necessities, I’d have to say my family, friends and … ice cream!
What’s one ability you wish you had? Oh, there are lots but I’d like to be able to cure food allergies.
I’m hungry. Can you cook me anything good? I really can’t. I have to say that my husband is the cook in our family (when we met, he wrongly assumed that I would be an amazing cook since I’m half Italian and have parents who are fantastic at cooking!) I do love Italian food though.
Would you rather have a pet pig or a pet giraffe? Why? Pet pig. Pigs are really smart you know. Plus, where the heck would I house a giraffe?!
What’s your favorite candy? Given the time of year, I’d have to say Cadbury Cream Eggs. Half of you reading this are totally with me on this. And I’m sure the other half are completely grossed out.
What’s the best vacation you’ve ever been on? Such a tough question. I’ve been fortunate to enjoy many. Hawaii on my honeymoon was pretty amazing. Also, a trip Sicily to meet my Italian relatives was pretty awesome (including meeting three cousins all named “Mariella”!). And Disney with my family was a ton of fun. Okay, I’ll stop now.
Most private thing you’re willing to admit on Grasshopper’s blog Well, there is a goofy side of me that comes out every now and again. Recently, I made a very silly 2 minute puppet video for my 4 year old niece (she made me the puppet for my birthday) and texted it in error to a complete stranger! The person replied back “I don’t know who this is but NEVER text me again.” That was a little embarrassing for me but quite hilarious to my friends who watched it!
I heard you’re new to Twitter. What’s your handle? @jenniferjoos