Content may be king when it comes to online businesses, but simply slapping some blogs up on your website won’t always bring you the active viewers you’re seeking. We live in a high-tech world in which content needs to be shared in order to be seen. Additionally, the standards for “quality” content have continued to rise as readers become more equipped to judge online information. 

If you want your website’s content to draw attention from others in the industry, then you need to be strategic in your approach. Here’s how to get the most from any kind of content your website publishes, whether it’s eBooks, blog posts, or engaging videos. 

Learn to Navigate the Challenges of Sharing Content on Social Media


You probably already know that sharing your website’s content via various social media platforms is important, but have you given much thought as to how you share it? There are dozens of aspects to consider, from the timing of your Tweets to the wording of your Facebook posts. 

Most importantly, you don’t want your social media shares to come across as boastful or overly pushy to your audience. After all, blasting your own content can seem a little bit like tooting your own horn. Be tactful in your approach; have others share the content for you or word your posts in a polite, humble manner. There’s a fine line between encouraging people to check out your content and shoving it in their face, so tread lightly. 

Websites must also utilize the best social media platforms for their industry. For example, a lifestyle site like The Everygirl targets young women and benefits immensely from Instagram, where 71% of the users are under 34 and 50.3 percent are women. 


News sites like CNN, on the other hand, benefit more from Facebook – 43% of U.S. adults turn to the platform for their daily news.


Think about your target audience and where they consume content, then build a social media presence on the platform that caters to your ideal demographic. Be purposeful in your tone, space out your posts appropriately, and assign someone the job of monitoring social media responses to the content you share. 

Reach New Audiences Via Different Niche Sites

Anyone worth their weight in the content world knows that guest blogging is hugely beneficial, but many businesses fail to do so effectively. It’s vital that you share your content on sites that overlap with your topics, audiences, tone, and media. The more closely aligned your site is to the partner site, the more beneficial the guest post will be for your business. 

Struggling to build connections with other site owners? Make sure you’re employing the correct etiquette for pitching to other editors. Be clear in your approach that you actually read and understand their content, then explain exactly why the relationship would be mutually beneficial. It doesn’t hurt to include information on target demographics and your social media reach. As a general rule, many editors hate the opening line, “I stumbled across your website and….”  

Other content-producing websites aren’t the only kinds of platforms to partner with. It’s also smart to establish a presence on review websites. Target plarforms that are especially good for SaaS companies to give people a better idea of what their program is all about. For instance, Trustpilot page on Finances Online give users a look at what they do, pricing, user satisfaction, comparing features with competitors and more. 

Speaking of audiences, consider who you’re speaking to from the start of the content creation process. Depending on the content’s final destination, you may need to alter your approach. One tone does not fit all, especially when it comes to guest blogging. 


Segment Your Email List Wisely

Almost every business has an email list these days. Are you using yours effectively?

Blasting out your content to every subscriber with a vague interest isn’t always going to garner the kind of attention you’re seeking. In fact, generic email blasts might even push your readers to click that “unsubscribe” button. 

Instead, define which kind of content should go to each reader depending on their place in the purchase cycle. For instance, a repeat customer should receive a different kind of content than someone who just visited your site for the first time. 

There are different methods of segmenting your email subscriber list. Some companies simply ask users for their preferences. Others use tools like Bronto or Campaigner to segment by location, buying history, relationship, or online behavior. 

A key part of using your email list wisely is knowing when to send out your new content. Stay consistent with your blasts and consider sending them out on Tuesdays (the best day for promotional emails according to ten different studies). 

Recycle and Update Popular Content

As the old adage goes, “work smarter, not harder.” You don’t need every piece of content to be brand new. In fact, repurposing old content is actually one of the best ways to maximize your return on each piece. You can transform a popular blog post into a podcast or expand on it in a comprehensive eBook. Sometimes, repurposing content is as simple as creating an infographic out of information you previously gathered. 

By updating and changing your old content just a bit, you can expand your audience and extend your reach. After all, some people like to read while others like to listen; cover all of your bases with partnered blog posts and podcasts. You can also combine old content into round-up posts, listicles, SlideShares, and other shareable posts. 

A word of caution: not all content is fit to be repurposed. Your best bet is to recycle content that is evergreen, valuable, exceptionally popular, or outdated. Use your Google Analytics to see what kinds of posts have done well, then strategize your repurposing plan from there. 

Also, don’t be afraid to share your content on social media more than once. Give it a new spin and post it again to ensure it reaches the largest possible audience via your various platforms. Just keep the posts spaced out a bit to avoid inundating followers with the same information repeatedly. 

The Bottom Line

Although you do need to create high-quality content, most of your content’s success actually stems from how you share it. By utilizing specific social media platforms, partnering with similar sites, and carefully targeting your current audience, you can derive the maximum value from the content your site is already producing.