Yes, there are plenty of great tools and solutions for leveraging your social media marketing efforts into bigger and better things.

But what about you?

Yes, you. The entrepreneur reading this article who’s come to find some insights. You’re interested in reaching the 2.5 billion estimated social media users in 2017 because you know that if your business manages to capture the imagination of even just a small sliver of that audience, it will change your life forever.

You’re the one who’s going to have to reach that audience, not any specific tool you use. That’s why you can’t just upgrade the tools in your arsenal. You also need to upgrade yourself.

Here are some super helpful social media resources that will provide the insights you need to dominant social media:

1. Social Media Marketing Made Simple by Neil Patel

Why Read It: Neil Patel is one of the biggest names in social media and online marketing, and for good reason. His online tutorials contain treasure troves of online marketing insights that get into the exact details of how to construct your own marketing campaigns.

Key Insights:

2. The Beginner’s Guide to Social Media at Moz

Why Read It: This is a bit more than just an article. It’s a complete introduction to all things social media — why you should include it in your marketing efforts, which platforms you should consider, and how to get started with your own efforts. If you’re already in the field, you might even want to read it just as a refresher.

Key Insights:

3. How to Find Amazing Content for Your Social Media Calendar (And Save Yourself Hours of Work) by Buffer Social

Why Read It: One of the most underrated elements of social media marketing is generating the content that will actually engage users and followers. While many focus on outward tactics like audience demographic targeting, there may be nothing more vital to your social media efforts than the simple act of being interesting.

Key Insights:

4. 20 Social Media Marketing Tips from the Pros at Social Media Examiner

Why Read It: Rather than focus on any specific issue, this article simply takes lessons from some of the most renowned social media marketers to find little jewels of inspiration and insight.

Key Insights:

What do all of these key resources have in common? They ask their audience to expand their social media reach beyond simply brainstorming a few good social media posts and get into the nitty-gritty of what makes social media marketing effective. Tools are great, but when it comes to marketing, the fundamentals will always reign supreme.