Once upon a time, you had a desk. Now you have paper. Lots of paper. You're pretty sure there's still a desk below the towering piles of paper, but it's hard to tell. You also vaguely recall owning a desk calendar, which would have been nice to have before you forgot about your scheduled meeting with a potential client this morning. An apology email would probably help remedy the situation...if you could remember where you put his contact information. Oh no. Emails. You were supposed to respond to several of those earlier today.

Sound like a typical day in your life? It shouldn't. Everybody has days where nothing seems to go right, but if you just can't seem to get organized, you may need a little help. Running a successful business is hard work, and you don't have to do it alone.

Not ready to admit that you might need a virtual assistant (VA) just yet? Here are some warning signs:

Unplug the coffee maker and put your stress ball away. An efficient virtual assistant can help you stay organized without ever setting foot in your office. Virtual assistants contact customers, check emails, order supplies, and schedule meetings. Some VAs are also skilled in accounting, web design, and writing web content. After you tell your assistant what you need, you'll be free to focus on more important things. Like your customers.